Here are some of my best 3D Animations I have been working on for the last year, as a part of my latest Reel.
- Walking Cycle -
This is a simple InPlace Walking Cycle made for videogames, with both ease in and out.
- Parkour -
This is a more advanced BodyMechanic animation, with the addition of a Modeled environment, and basic lighting. This was particularly complex because I had to set tons of switches between IK and FK.
- 2 Actions -
This is a another InPlace animation for videogames, this time practicing curve rotations and character prop animation, also having a simple modeled environment.
- Hanged -
In this animation I toyed with the use of constraints and how they are useful when you'd like for an object to stay attached to certain prop or even other character.
- Acting -
This was a little proyect to test my skills in acting, a simple hangover man who's dissapointed to see his cup was empty.